Today we had our very first friendship visit at the Janet Pomeroy Center in San Fransisco. As you can see from the photos, we had an awesome time playing basketball with the people of the center.
The rest of the day was spent going over procedures, practicing certain aspects of the trip, and a quick Target run.
I took the plunge and shaved my legs. If we do not, and we wreck, they have to use steel wool to scrape the hair out of the cut. I know this is probably too much information, but I thought I would share the reasoning behind it.
As always, please keep me and the rest of the team in your thoughts and prayers!
Currently I have raised $5,925 on behalf of people with disabilities! Thank you all for helping me to make a positive impact!
Also, thank you to our chapter sweetheart, Megan Feldhauser, for coming on the friendship visit today. She got to play paparazzi and take pictures the entire time as well as interact with some of the people at the center!
So far so good!
Love & Honor,

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