Today was another long day in the bike saddle. Today was our second Century ride. We rode 100.7 miles. To attain an extra four miles we rode up and hill and then back down right outside of Baker.

Today was also a long day because of the heat, flat tires in my pace line, and chip and seal pavement that makes for a very bumpy ride.

We entered Utah today early on in our ride. I rode with Kyle from Purdue and David from Iowa today. Unfortunately, Kyle exploded his rear tire and without a spare was unable to complete the last 20 miles of the ride with us.

For dinner we ate at a local Mexican restaurant called Zapatas. The food was good but the air conditioning was not working properly thus It became very hot with a lot of bodies and hot food. It was a nice reprieve to then was the team vans at the car wash as well as getting fresh strawberry milkshakes at the Delta Freeze. These were awesome and so cheap as well.

I am looking forward to getting to Salt Lake City in 2 days to have friendship visits again after a week without them. Where we travel in the desert there are not centers for people with disabilities, but this time was great to bring our whole team together and give us great bonding time.

Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers!

Love & Honor,


Entering Utah, 2 states down!
Shoe tree along our route today.

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