What a fun day today was for all of us!
We had a quick 55 mile ride into Davenport, so we were done around 10:00am. I rode with Travis from GA Tech and Michael from TCU today. We kept a quick pace the whole ride, but also had a great time talking to each other along the way.
When we arrived at our lodging for the night, the Clarion Hotel, we were greeted by a very nice welcome on their business sign. As we were sitting outside waiting for our room assignments the mayor of Davenport walked out of the hotel and engaged many of us in conversation for quite some time. He even called the media to make sure that our story gets coverage as we depart tomorrow. He was a really nice man and it was awesome that he took about an hour out of his busy schedule to stand and chat with us in the heat and humidity.
After receiving our room assignments we all showered up and went to lunch at Happy Joe's. Their taco pizza was amazing, and this is coming from a guy that only eats pepperoni, and doesn't even really like pizza at all. We were sponsored by a couple of past summer event guys, and it was fun to talk with them over lunch. One of them is from Bedford, Michigan, which is right outside of Toledo so we had much to which we could relate to each other.
Following lunch we headed back to our hotel and many of us crashed. I took about a 3 hour nap, sleeping until almost dinner. This nap was much needed! The best part about this hotel is that we have our own beds! This is a first, and probably a last for us, and we are all so grateful to the Clarion for hosting us for the night.
For our friendship visit we headed to the local pool and water park and were greeted by about 100 people with disabilities and their caretakers. We had a great couple hours going down the slides, off the diving board, and just hanging out in the water. We ate a dinner of hotdogs and chips at the pool before heading back to lodging.
Once at lodging we headed to the Hardee's that is in our parking lot of our hotel. I was disappointed to see that they no longer have star shaped chicken nuggets, but my onion rings and snack wraps were a good substitute.
Tomorrow we have a 90 mile ride along the Mississippi River, and it is supposed to be in the mid-90s and humid. Please pray for our safe travels and thank you for checking in!
Love & Honor,

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