Today was a blast! There was a lot of hype about today being a very tough ride as well as a not very fun ride. I agree with the first but disagree with the latter. I rode with Luke from Purdue today, and it was definitely one of my more enjoyable rides. We both told our life stories, each lasting about 30 miles, and before we knew it there was hardly anything left to cycle. About 30 miles in the rain poured on us, and when we finished we found out that we were the only pace line that actually got rained on, all of the others behind us only had to ride through the water. Riding through the rain was actually fun, though.
At mile 75 or so my chapter brother, Saurabh's parents were waiting for us with pizza on the side of the road. Luke and I quickly ate and were back on the bikes to finish the last 20 miles. We finished in no time, having survived the incredibly pot-hole filled roads virtually unscathed. My handlebar tape did come undone and one of my water bottle holders broke, but both were in need of being replaced anyway.
After we showered and ate lunch we headed to the bike shop where I bought new water bottle holders and handlebar tape on sale. It worked out great considering today's circumstances.
Next came a quick nap before we headed to a past Journey of Hope cyclist's house. He and his wife treated us to an awesome pulled pork sandwich dinner. Many of their friends as well as several family members of my teammates were also in attendance which made for a fun dinner. We also had gorgeous weather which made it incredibly pleasant to be outside all evening.
Following dinner we made a quick stop at the gas station and headed back to lodging. Once in lodging I replaced my handlebar tape, packed up my stuff and got ready for bed.
Tomorrow takes us further in our journey, and being over half way done is a frightening. Words cannot describe how awesome this experience has been and I will certainly be sad the day I have to say goodbye to all of my teammates and brothers in DC.
Thank you for supo

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