Only 30 miles today!
I rode with Chris from GA Tech and my chapter brother Jason. This ride took relatively no time, which was nice because of the horrible heat and humidity. Seeing as I am from Ohio I should be used to the heat and humidity, but today was extra humid I feel. I digress.
Once we arrived in Iowa City we had about an hour and half before our stage-up and police escort so we took turns putting on skits in an amphitheater before everyone fell asleep in the padded chairs.
For our arrival we had a police escort to the Old Iowa Capitol Building where we were greeted by many members of the Arc of Southeast Iowa.
For lunch we ate at one of the University of Iowa dining halls and then rode our bikes to our lodging at a local recreation center. After being out in the heat all morning many of us took the opportunity to hop in the pool at the rec center before showering and heading to the Theta Theta Pi Kapp chapter's house that two of our fellow cyclists, Kevin and David, live in.
After touring their house we came back to lodging and took naps before dinner.
For dinner we were hosted by the Arc of Southeast Iowa for pizza and popsicles. We had a great time of fellowship with them for a couple hours before heading back to lodging.
Once at lodging we were instructed about our morning wake up and logistics and then divided up into multiple groups to go out and explore Iowa City. My group headed to a local frozen yogurt shop as well as a local market where we overindulged ourselves. Little evening runs like these are where some of my best memories on the trip have been made thus far.
Tomorrow we wake up at 5:45 to head to Davenport, Iowa. It is hard to believe that in 3.5 weeks this will all be over.
Thank you for all of you love and support on my Journey of Hope.
Love & Honor,

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