Today the rains continued.
I rode today with David from Iowa. It was a relatively easy 65 mile ride from East Lansing to Ann Arbor. Nothing but back county roads and some very small hills. To keep ourselves entertained, and to finish off some leftover pop, we decided to shot gun Faygo not once but twice at Mark's crew stops. It probably is not the smartest thing to do when you are cycling, but we all survived and got some serious laughs out of it as well. I also ate 6 cookies at his crew stop. They were delicious!
Once in Ann Arbor we arrived at the University of Michigan's Pi Kapp house and dropped our bikes off. We also ate pizza and hung out for a little bit. We next headed to our lodging in one of Michigan's premiere dorms. We all have rooms to ourselves tonight which is actually to our dismay. We've gotten so used to sleeping around one another and are worried we won't be able to wake ourselves up tomorrow morning!
Our first friendship visit of the day was with an organization called PEAC which helps all people learn to ride bikes safely. We rode with one of their classes. All of their skills levels ranged greatly from great riders down to a boy who learned how to ride on his own for the very first time today. It was awesome to see the smile on his face when the instructor let go and he pedaled all on his own.
After our visit with PEAC we headed back to lodging and I was able to squeeze in an hour long nap.
For dinner we had another visit at the Eisenhower Center which serves people with brain injuries. We had a great dinner with them, and then had an X-Factor themed show with them. Some of our guys performed Beyonce's "Single Ladies" and then we as a whole team performed Cascada's "Every Time We Touch." We didn't win the show, but we had a blast doing it. After all was over we went around and collected autographs from the other performers. They were all celebrities today!
When we arrived back on campus about half of the team headed to BDubs for some boneless wings! It was great to hang out together for a couple hours in a very relaxed environment.
Tomorrow we head into the Great State of Ohio. Did I really just cycle all the way from California to Ohio? It will be so awesome to see my family and friends at the University of Toledo tomorrow for our arrival!
Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers for the team. Our health seems to have been

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